• We are currently running a Q&A series. Each week we feature a different band. If you are interested in getting on here please contact us! We are always open for new bands and ideas. We hope you enjoy! Thanks! reKiosk Team

This Q&A With Askultura Will Make You Smarter!

You guys have a killer presence on stage but one thing people immediately noticed, besides your rocking tunes and good looks, is the size of your band! You guys are a 10-piece band if I’m not mistaken! How does the song writing process work? What is the band dynamic like? First off nice to be … Continue reading

10 Things You Love About Def Leppard in .gifs

10 Things You Love About Def Leppard in .gifs Because Joe puts all he’s got into the vocals… The rock hair and all the hair flipping awesome that comes with it. The way they interact on stage… Goofy, candid moments like this: Because they understand what we are all thinking… Making the rock pose an … Continue reading

10 All-Time Best William Shatner Musical Performances

10 best William Shatner musical performances on YouTube 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Buy his new album now at  www.reKiosk.com/shatner and get a 25% discount using the promo code ‘MYSTERY’ —— Say what’s up to Leila on twitter! @leilamclachlan Want a product reviewed or to be on the blog? Email Fiz at Fizzy@rekiosk.com

Buy William Shatner’s Latest Album ‘Ponder The Mystery’ Now!

William Shatner’s latest album is out! Ponder The Mystery is, in William Shatner’s own words, “the most creative thing I’ve ever done.” We have been rocking it out here at the office and some of the lucky ones here are looking forward to catching him at Comic Con this weekend in NYC! Have you downloaded … Continue reading

10 Reasons Why William Shatner is “THE MAN” Told in GIFs

1) When he’s pissed, he has the fury of 10 dragons. 2) And he’s not going to hesitate in telling you the brutal truth. 3) He’s not afraid to show that he is a human being with deep feelings, who feels things deeply. 4) He’s no stranger to great bromances on and off screen. 5) … Continue reading

Kid Runner Tell Us What They Are All About In Our Latest Q&A.

What is the greatest struggle you find as independent musicians? The biggest struggle for us is probably promoting ourselves. There are so many aspects to being in a band that you don’t think of! It is really and truly a business…a really fun business. But it’s hard to get your music and image out there … Continue reading

A Letter from Danny of The Big Sleep.

Dear Fiz, How’s it going? Thanks for asking us to do this. I would like to conduct this in the form of a letter, basically meaning I’m going to say a bunch of stuff and kind of ignore the question/answer format. Sorry to take almost exactly a month getting back to your last email. I don’t like to … Continue reading

Why We Should Care About DRM

Why we should care about Digital Rights Management (DRM) What is DRM? you may ask. Digital Rights Management is a series of technologies that limit your rights to do what you like with your digital media beyond copyright laws.   Which is why, whenever you try to share your music with others on iTunes, it … Continue reading

REKIOSK REVEIWS: Came to Spit on Your Graves by Vladimir Lorchenkov.

From a cursory glance, you could say that it’s about a “narcissistic drunken prick.” At least that’s what his girlfriend Natasha seems to think of him. But is he really? Maybe there’s another side to him than what meets the eye. Granted the man does have an affinity for smashing beer bottles, gallivanting drunkenly around shady … Continue reading